About This Project
VCO has a significant role to play in a well-balanced, nutritious diet. VCO can be used for cooking, baking as well as frying (as it has a high smoking point). A couple of spoons of VCO can also be consumed directly or mixed with food in its raw form for best results. VCO is a not a medicine but a functional food (i.e a food that provides benefits over and above the basic nutrients).
- Boosts Immunity – VCO contains 64% Medium Chain Fatty Acids/Triglycerides (MCFAs/MCTs) which are essential for a healthy body. Furthermore, around 50% of these MCTs are made up of lauric acid, the most important essential fatty acid in building and maintaining the body’s immune system. Apart from VCO, the only other source of lauric acid found in such high concentrations is mother’s milk.
- Stimulates metabolism and Controls weight – The MCTs present in VCO are broken down and used predominantly for energy production and thus seldom end up as body fat. Unlike long chain fatty acids, the MCTs are directly transported to the liver and immediately converted into energy and not fat. They burn up quickly in the body and are put to use, thereby nourishing the body. This helps control body weight and prevents all health problems which occur due to slow metabolism.
- Improves HDL/LDL Ratio – VCO’s regular use has shown to regularize blood fats and is known to create a more favorable HDL/LDL ratio, disproving the myth that coconut oil increases cholesterol and triglycerides significantly. Studies have shown that trans fat increases the risk of heart diseases as it raises the LDL. VCO has no trans fats being a naturally saturated oil, that does not undergo hydrogenation, a process that brings about the trans fat. The fats present in VCO are not harmful as commonly found in vegetable oils.
- Diabetes – VCO has been shown to control the blood sugar levels and lessen the effects of diabetes.